Cerebral palsy is defined as a non progressive neuromuscular disorder of cerebral origin.In Ayurveda cp is sahaja(hereditary) andgarbhaja(congenital). motor disorders of cp are often accompanied by disturbance of perception cognition communication and behaviour. Cerebral palsy may result from maldevelopment and disorderly organisation of brain,perinatal hypoxia,birth trauma,acid base imbalance,metabolic disturbances and intrauterine or acquired infections .These factors may operateprenatally,during delivery or in the post natal period. Cerebral palsy treatment in Kerala is one of our most demanding treatment in Ayurveda.
What is Spastic cerebral palsy ?
Depending up on the distribution of spasticity it may be a spastic quadriparesis,diplegia or hemiparesis.Early daiagnostic features include abnormally persistant neonatal reflexes,feeding difficulties,persistant cortical thumb after 3 month ageand a firm grip.The infants goes into a extensor posture and does not flex his knees or thigh.
Hypotonic(atonic)cerebral palsy
They are often severely mentally retarded,muscle may show fiber disproportion and delayed CNSmaturation is common.
Extrapyramidal cerebral palsy
The clinical manifestation include dyskinesia,dystonia tremor and rigidity.Arms,leg,neck and trunk may be involved.Deafness is a common association.There is a hypotonioa and hyper reflexia ataxia and intention tremors appear.
The management plan should stress on improving posture,reducing tone preventing contractures and early stimulation is necessary.The line of treatment in Ayurveda to be adopeted as vata vikara such as snehana,svedana, abhyanga,basti,sneha virechana, shirodhara nasya etc.but all these treatments should not applicable in agnimandya(low digestive activity) and ama lakshana.Thus correction of agnimanandya and ama pachana is done by deepana pachana drugs.By udwarthana followed by sarvanga abhyanga and bashpa sweda etc procedeures reduces the disability in CP.while planning the line of treatment mandagni,amavastha and kaphavastha should be considered. Rookshana procedures like udwarthana is beneficial in reducing spasticity. Welcome to experience result of cerebral palsy treatment in Kerala
Very good hospital. Good quality treatments homely atmosphere, good staff, facilities, rooms, food. Doctors are very friendly in nature. 24hours doctors are available. I felt good while going back thanks to all
This hospital has good ambience. Dr is so kind, friendly and clears all our doubts. Treatment is so good that when we leave this hospital we leave in good health and confidence. All the junior Drs, therapists, all employees are very kind, friendly and take enough care towards the patients. Regarding cleanliness of the room and hospital is so neat and clean. Food also very nice and required quantity is provided. In general a good place to come and get treatment and get well soon.
I can experience each and every progress during my treatment .my walking panel improved significantly, my tremors reduced significantly. Thank you greenwich and Dr. Anuranj.
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Fringilla neque iaculis ut. Suspendisse quis justo nec nisi porta commodo mattis a dui. Praesent sagittis nunc elit. Donec sed diam consequat egestas.
Fringilla neque iaculis ut. Suspendisse quis justo nec nisi porta commodo mattis a dui. Praesent sagittis nunc elit. Donec sed diam consequat egestas.
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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusm tempor incididunt ut labore
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusm tempor incididunt ut labore
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusm tempor incididunt ut labore